// Ensure HubSpot tracking script is loaded (optional)

(function(d,s,i,r) {

    if (d.getElementById(i)){return;}

    var n=d.createElement(s),e=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];


    e.parentNode.insertBefore(n, e);

})(document, "script", "hs-script-loader");

// Event listener for the custom JS events named "ceros-analytics-event"

document.body.addEventListener('ceros-analytics-event', function(event) {

    // Conditions under which the event will fire to HubSpot

    if (event.detail.eventType === 'component-click') {

        console.log('Component click detected:', event.detail.componentName);


        // Push a normal event to HubSpot, using the name of the Ceros element as the event ID.

        if (typeof _hsq !== 'undefined') {

            console.log('Pushing event to HubSpot:', event.detail.componentName);




                    id: event.detail.componentName




        // Optional error handling

        else {

            console.error("HubSpot tracking is not initialized");


